Wednesday, August 6, 2008

July 2008

Tucker and Mom had an awesome July together. Lazy days of sleeping late (don't tell Dad), playing Mario Kart (yes, Mom stinks), being real life "Cooking Mama's" (we have lots of meals in the freezer to prove it), trying to keep the Wii Fit lady from yelling at us about our weight, and some day camps too! Tucker has taken two sessions of swim lessons at Wingate, a 4-day tennis camp at Wingate with cousin Betsy, and a week long horse camp with Betsy while staying at Granny and Papa's house. Things are winding down in the Guignard home as Mom frantically (okay, maybe not so much) tries to finish her summer cleaning and Tucker tries to avoid the "S-Word" (yes, SCHOOL). Every summer I say that Tucker and I have had the best summer together yet - and every summer it just gets better!